Monday, October 28, 2013

Introducing: Julian Cesar

I had the pleasure of photographing our dear cousin Julian Cesar.
He was named after our great grandfather.
I remember my Dad speaking of his grandfather 'Papa Julian' when I was a child. Back then, black and white images of yesteryear would pop into my head. Those were different times, which feel almost from another world.

The names have been passed on, to new lives, that bring with them a kind of renaissance in our families.

Welcome to the family baby Julian :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Family shoot in the park

Civic Park at Modbury is becoming my favourite outdoor studio!
It is green all through the year and there are lots of shady spots to choose from!

Civic Park shoot

Thanks to Delmy, Rodrigo and Mayra for allowing me to photograph them, and congratulations on your beautiful family.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nine months in the making - Part 1

During their workshop From Bumps to Babies, Sue Bryce and Kelly Brown proposed the idea of photographing a pregnant woman, and then documenting their family story and the growth of their baby, by photographing their newborn for one year. The work can then be used to produce beautiful art eg: a photo book of the baby's first year of life.

I decided to take on this challenge and started searching for pregnant women willing to participate!
My search has led me to two soon-to-be mums whom I will photograph as part of this project :). I met them both and discussed the project and I'm looking forward to producing some memorable images for them.

Talking to them about their journey through pregnancy, brings back the memories and feelings I had when I was pregnant. For me, it was like getting on a roller coaster, physically and emotionally. My baby girl is almost ready to start school now, and I can't believe how fast time has flown by! There were trying times when she was little that I thought would never end, and now I have nothing but beautiful memories and miss her being little. My husband and I are glad we decided to take this ride :).

Below are the first images of my project.

Shahy and Haythem

Pregnancy shoot

Shahy and her husband have moved to Australia from Egypt.
I was lucky to have found them and that they accepted to be part of this journey.

I hope we can become good friends also :)

Pregnancy shoot

Monday, October 14, 2013

Love in black and white

While in Mt Gambier, I had the honour of photographing my niece and her new baby boy, now one month old.

No planning prepares you for a new baby! and I speak from experience :).
But these young lives are not only the source of great energy, but also great inspiration.

Kelly Brown said during her Bumps to Babies workshop: "Nothing smells better in this world than your own baby". My Mum once sniffed my little girl and said "You smell of life!". All so true.

Welcome to our family baby Samuel, we love you very much!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Having a break

We had a break from our day jobs and headed south. It was great to stop by the side of the road and capture some of the scenes we often just zoom past!
Our daughter loved it, she travelled really well and now has great memories of the trip.


Princess Margaret Rose Caves

Princess Margaret Rose Caves

Glenelg river

Glenelg river

Blue lake - Mt Gambier

Blue lake - Mt Gambier






Penola - logs

Penola - logs

Penola - logs

Penola - yarn baubles

Penola - yarn baubles

Penola - yarn baubles

