It's all happening at the moment. My full time work is moving to the city, my photography 'hyphen' video thingo is also evolving and I'm feeling happy to move outside my comfort zone, I believe that's where the magic will happen.
Change will never stop and it is something I thought I was used to, but evolution is not always a comfortable process.
Nevertheless, here we go :)
I had the opportunity to work on a project for an Adelaide-based company, documenting their facilities, staff and work in general. This is something I've aimed to do as part of my photography venture: use photos and video to help local businesses show their work via social networks.
There were some early mornings and late nights, but it felt great to spend time in a project of this magnitude.
This is the video I made solely to show my work; I'm working on a second video for my client with additional content for their own use.
It's been a great learning experience, and I'm very happy with the results and the exposure. Can't wait to do it all over again :).
It feels like the year has barely began and it's February already.
School and work are in full swing; and projects are beginning to take shape again.
My husband and I used to celebrate Valentine's Day before we got married, but since we got married in January, our wedding anniversary has become our 'Valentine's day'.
Working with stop motion again and I am finding this work quite liberating and rewarding. You build this step by step, with simple tools and you basically play until you are happy with your piece.
My 6 yo loves the setup. She's learning to tell stories, give instructions and it is a wonderful way to connect. She is a wonderful inspiration and reminder on how I should approach each piece of work; as a child.
We are building a wonderful collection of precious memories.