Monday, June 10, 2013

Winter is here

Winter started with a bang: rain and viruses all-round!
It is so hard when your little ones get sick, not just because you have to juggle work around them but it is physically and mentally stressing. Every time they sneeze or give you the look of uncertainty, your heart looses a beat! 
Thank God things have been back to normal for the past week, and we can focus on getting our work done, for a while anyway.

We are really busy on the work front; with our day jobs and second/ third jobs at home! I feel guilty when I take a break from it all as I feel I should be doing something, either around the house, or catching up with my training.
On the photography front, I've been lucky to have more friends interested in getting photographs done and I am really looking forward to putting my training to practice!
Photography is with me everywhere I go, I look around me and I look at things with composition and posing in mind; it is something I can't let go of, so I'm continuing to pursue it.

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